Contact us 会议咨询

The secretary of ICCBN will collect your paper contributions and respond to your queries. The paper review process will be completed by the Program Committee and Technical Committee members. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our conference secretary. 会议助理将负责会议日常投稿处理,审稿结果反馈,收集注册资料等日常工作,如有问题可直接联系会议助理。

Please contact us if you failed to receive feedbacks from the conference secretary when you submitted your paper 2 work days later. 如果您在提交论文后两工作日内未收到会议秘书的反馈,请联系我们

Conference Assistant 会议助理

Kiko Xu (徐老师)


Tel:(+86) 191-3627-5767

Organizing committee or conference secretary will not ask for your credit card information in any form for room reservation or tickets. Be careful when anyone asks for it.



Scan the below Wechat QR Code to get quick reply within 24 hours.Please make note with ICCBN2025+Paper ID。 扫描二维码可添加会议微信获取更快速的回复


Scan the below WeChat official account to get more information about the conference list.(Chinese Author Only) 扫描二维码添加微信公众号获取更多会议资讯