Keynote & Invited Speakers 报告专家

Prof. Xiaohu Tang,
Southwest Jiaotong University, China

Winners of Excellent youth fund of NSF,Changjiang Scholar

Professor Tang Xiaohu, Ph.D., is a professor at Southwest Jiaotong University, a doctoral supervisor, and a candidate for the National High-Level Talent Program. In 2003, he was awarded one of the 100 outstanding doctoral dissertations in the country. In recent years, he has won the second prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education. He has presided over a number of national and provincial scientific research projects such as the Natural Science Foundation Key Project and the Ministry of Education's Major Project. He has published more than 100 SCI-retrieval papers in important international academic journals, including in the information field. He has published more than 50 papers in the international flagship journal IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Made basic systematic work in the field of coding: created a new field of low/zero correlation area sequence design, was one of the proposers of the low/zero correlation area sequence concept, established the holistic theory, and the theoretical circle named after his surname is The international standard for judging the quality of this type of sequence. Currently, the low/zero correlation zone sequence has been included in the global LTE standard; breaking through the one-way nature of Z4 sequence design, a new 7-category best sequence set is constructed, accounting for the best known currently. Z4 sequence set 7/10, breaking the stagnation situation of its research for more than 10 years; solving the problem that the MDS coding check section of the distributed storage system cannot be optimally repaired, and providing multiple types of distributed storage coding with excellent performance, related results Evaluated by Huawei as "technically the world's leader".

Prof. Jing Lin, Fellow of IAPR/IET
Sun Yat-sen University, China

Winners of Excellent youth fund of NSF

Recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Fellow of IAPR/IET, and former Chief R&D Director/Executive Dean of the Research Institute at SenseTime. He has long been engaged in applied basic research in multimodal artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other fields. As the Chief Scientist/Project Leader, he has undertaken major national projects for technological innovation under the 2030 agenda, and has been selected for the National Ten Thousand Talents Program. He led the SenseTime R&D team in building large-scale AI infrastructure and exploring emerging industries. He has published over 300 papers in top international academic journals and conferences, with nearly 30,000 citations (according to Google Scholar), and has been listed multiple times as a highly cited researcher globally. He has received the Pattern Recognition journal's Best Paper of the Year Award, the Diamond Best Paper Award at the ICME flagship conference for multimedia computing, and a Best Paper Award nomination at the ICCV flagship conference for computer vision. He has also won the first prize of the Science and Technology Award from the China Society of Image and Graphics, the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Natural Science Award, and the provincial first prize in Natural Science. He has supervised doctoral students (such as Xiaodan Liang and Keze Wang) who have received the CCF Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, the ACM China Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, and the CAAI Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award. He has (formerly) served as an Associate Editor for well-known journals such as IEEE Trans. Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, and IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems. He has also served as an area chair for Conferences like IEEE CVPR, ICCV, NeurIPS, KDD, and ACM Multimedia more than ten times.


Prof. Zhicheng Dong
Tibet University, China

Dong Zhicheng, Ph.D., is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Tibet University. Leader of the third batch of "Huang Danian-style Teacher Team in National Universities", director of the Tibet Autonomous Region Plateau Complex Environment Information Transmission and Processing Engineering Research Center, director of the Advanced Technology Research Center of Tibet University, and chief scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program. He has presided over more than 20 national key research and development plan projects, National Natural Science Foundation projects, and major science and technology projects of the Tibet Autonomous Region Science and Technology Department. He has published more than 100 papers, including more than 70 SCI and EI articles, authorized 10 Chinese invention patents, and formulated the Tibet Autonomous Region 4 local standards. Professor Dong Zhicheng is mainly engaged in research on data transmission and information processing technology, cross-integrating research directions such as artificial intelligence, computer vision, big data analysis and processing, and image radar signal processing. The research results won the Tibet Autonomous Region Science and Technology Award and the China Meteorological Services Association Science and Technology Award.


Prof. Jinming Wen
Jinan University, China

Wen Jinming is a third-level professor at the School of Cyberspace Security of Jinan University, a doctoral supervisor, an overseas high-level young talent from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and a Young Pearl River Scholar of Guangdong Province. Selection of top young talents under People's Plan, GF Science Fund for Outstanding Youth, Shenzhen Peacock Team, Guangzhou Key Field Research Plan Project, Huizhou Key Field Science and Technology Research "Revelation and Leadership" Project, Guangzhou Huangpu District International Science and Technology Cooperation Conference Evaluation Expert, Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Special Project Consulting Expert, 2020 Songshan Lake Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Future Communication Industry Competition Finals Evaluation Expert, National Natural Science Foundation, China Scholarship Council, Guangxi Provincial Science and Technology Award, Guangdong Provincial/Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Guangdong Provincial Correspondence evaluation expert from the Department of Education and Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau. He is currently the editor of journals such as IET Quantum Communication and Frontiers in Computer Science.


Prof. Peng Yu
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

He graduated from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2013 with a doctorate in engineering. Vice dean of the Future College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the seventh batch of cadres of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to aid Tibet, associate professor of the Network Management Research Center of the National Key Laboratory of Network and Switching Technology of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, doctoral supervisor, senior member of IEEE/EAI, and Communications Society of China Senior member, current research directions include B5G/6G network intelligent management and control, green communications, smart grid communication networks, etc. In recent years, he has hosted and participated in more than 10 provincial and ministerial projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key R&D Plans, National Major Science and Technology Projects, and Beijing Natural Science Foundation, and has hosted more than 10 projects of the State Grid Corporation of China, ZTE, Huawei, and China Mobile. , more than 10 horizontal topics commissioned by China Power 54 Institute.
Focusing on the intelligent management, control and operation of wireless networks and power communication networks, he has participated in the drafting of more than 10 international/industry/enterprise standards and won 5 scientific and technological awards including the First Prize of the China Communications Society Science and Technology Advancement Award. He has published as the first author/corresponding author in well-known journals such as IEEE JSAC, IEEE Magazine, IEEE Transactions, Computer Networks, Journal of Communications, Journal of Software, Journal of Electronics and Information, etc., as well as well-known conferences in the network field such as IEEE ICC, Globecom, IM, NOMS, and CNSM. He has published more than 40 papers and obtained more than 20 authorized invention patents; he has won 4 international journal/conference best paper awards.


Prof. Shu Fu,
Chongqing University, China

In June 2016, he graduated with a Ph.D. in communications and information systems from the National Key Laboratory of Communication Anti-Interference at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. In September of the same year, he joined the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering of Chongqing University as a lecturer and was promoted to associate professor in September 2018. Visited School of Computer Science, Tianjin University from 2013.9-2014.9; 2014.9-2015.9 funded by the China Scholarship Council, jointly trained as a doctoral student at the Broadband Communication Research Gourp, BBCR Group, University of Waterloo, Canada; 2019.2-2019.5 visited Ryerson University, Canada Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently, as the project leader, he presides over a National Natural Science Foundation Youth Science Fund project, as well as basic scientific research projects of central universities, scientific research start-up projects of Chongqing University, etc. In recent years, he has been engaged in research on energy efficiency, multi-point collaboration and network integration in next-generation networks and has achieved certain results. A number of his academic achievements have been published in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless, journals of the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Access. At present, it has obtained 3 national invention patent authorizations and 2 military industry patent authorizations.


Prof. Wenhua Pan,
Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai), China